Fuente: NoticiasAlDiaYAhora
El Departamento de Estado de los EEUU acusó este viernes al Director del DGCIM, general Ivan Hernandez Dala, y el Director de la FAES, Rafael Bastardo Mendoza, de ser responsables de graves violaciones a los derechos humanos en Venezuela.
Entre las acciones tomadas está la revocatoria de la visa de ambos funcionarios, pero también de sus esposas e hijos.
Asegura el comunicado del Departamento de Estado que tanto el DGCIM como las FAES han sido implicadas en violaciones a los DDHH, abusos y represión contra la sociedd civil y la oposición democrática venezolana.
Agrega que dichos actos han sido documentados de manera extensa en el informe presentado el pasado 5 de julio por la Alta Comisionada de los DDHH de la ONU, Michelle Bachelet, además de reportes creíbles de otras organizaciones. El Informe Bachelet recoje denuncias de al menos 7.523 ejecuciones extrajudiciales en Venezuela.
Esta acusación contra Hernández Dala y Rafael Bastardo Mendoza involucra también a las esposas (Luzbel Carolina Colmenares Morales y Jeisy Catherine Leal Andarcia,respectivamente) y los hijos de ambos militares que acarrea la revocatoria inmediata de sus visas.
El comunicado cierra reiterando el apoyo de EEUU a una transición pacífica y democrática del poder en Venezuela de la mano de Juan Guaidó. Y reitera que el país está preparado para dar soporte diplomático y económico durante la transición.
Acá el comunicado:
The United States Publicly Designates Venezuela’s Rafael Enrique Bastardo Mendoza and Ivan Rafael Hernandez Dala for Gross Violations of Human Rights
The United States is publicly designating Rafael Enrique Bastardo Mendoza, Commander of Venezuela’s police special forces (the FAES), and Ivan Rafael Hernandez Dala, Commander of military counter intelligence (the DGCIM), for their involvement in gross violations of human rights.
The security and intelligence organizations led by Bastardo and Hernandez have been implicated for their human rights violations and abuses and the repression of civil society and the democratic opposition. These acts were documented extensively in the July 5, 2019 report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as credible reports by other human rights organizations. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights report noted at least 7,523 extrajudicial killings documented by a Venezuelan non-governmental organization.
This designation, taken under Section 7031(c) of the FY 2019 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Act, is in addition to the U.S. government’s action on February 15, 2019 to financially sanction Bastardo and Hernandez pursuant to Executive Order 13692 for their involvement in human rights abuses, repression and corruption.
In accordance with the law, in addition to the designation of Bastardo and Hernandez, I am publicly designating Bastardo’s spouse, Jeisy Catherine Leal Andarcia, and Hernandez’s spouse, Luzbel Carolina Colmenares Morales, as well as the minor children of both officials.
Section 7031(c) allows the Department of State to revoke visas for foreign officials and their immediate family members in cases where the Secretary of State has credible information that those officials have been involved in significant corruption or a gross violation of human rights. Such individuals and their immediate family members are ineligible for entry into the United States.
The United States strongly supports the peaceful, democratic transition in Venezuela led by interim President Juan Guaido and the National Assembly. We will continue to pursue diplomatic and economic initiatives in support of that transition.
Etiquetas: Delitos de Lesa Humanidad, Derechos Humanos, DGCIM, FAES, US Department of State
Tomado de Estados Unidos revoca la visa del director del Faes y Dgcim, además de sus esposas e hijos