Chavista propaganda brings disrepute to Foreign Policy

Got late to the party, must admit. The discussion at hand is -yet another- exhibit of yellow journalism, this time by the otherwise reputed Foreign Policy magazine.

In short, a propagandist of the Maduro regime was caught, as we say, «cagando y sin papel». Before anyone thinks that my use of the term propagandist is inaccurate, or unfair, here we have Mr Rob Lovato, described as a «writer and scholar», who does not find relevant to disclose to publications that presumably commission jobs to him, to reveal professional relations that bring unavoidable conflicts of interests.

So let’s say that the editors of Foreign Policy got a «profile» of Leopoldo Lopez (Vzlan opposition leader recently condemned to nearly 14 years imprisonment) from Mr Lovato. Given that the piece was meant to have been «reported in partnership with The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute, with support from the Puffin Foundation», one must presume that necessary editorial consideration was given to the facts presented by all editors involved.

After publication, information about Mr Lovato’s professional relations with TELESUR surfaced. To those who may have missed it, TELESUR is a Pan-American, Venezuela-funded, chavista «news» channel, as trustworthy and objective as Putin’s Russia Today. It remains to be seen whether Lovato disclosed to Foreign Policy and The Nation that he had been previously contracted by TELESUR to do some programs, and later produced the «profile» on Lopez.

According to Lopez’s lawyers and Pedro Burelli (mentioned throughout Lovato’s piece) the article contains several inaccuracies, which Foreign Policy seems to be aggregating as «clarifications and corrections» at the end of the article.

But now we know that Lovato has been taking cues from Venezuela Information Office propagandists in Hugo Chavez’s employ since, at least, September 2007, when Mr Lovato was a writer for New America Media and The Nation, and was being asked by chavistas to, basically, «publish oped»: read regurgitate propaganda.

The two images above come from FARA reports filed by the now-extinct Venezuela Information Office, a Venezuelan government-financed and Venezuelan embassy-managed «information office» run from Washington DC. Did Lovato ever disclose this to The Nation and Foreign Policy?

Chavistas are having a ball with U.S. media these days. Whether is Bloomberg, Forbes or Foreign Policy, it seems to be getting easier for sly operators to get past clueless editors that can’t be bothered to apply a minimum of editorial rigour to demonstrably unsubstantiated BS.

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