Here’s an admission: I find absolutely fascinating, in this global climate of unemployment, economic hardship, etc., that someone like Eva Golinger finds herself thriving in Venezuela. For various reasons, but principal of which that Venezuela is not in a position to be wasting money in harebrained ideas. Golinger, whose professional life in her country (USA) ran a rather brief course, until I exposed her as having cheated the IRS and the American public, has just been awarded by Venezuela’s Congress some $3.2 million to increase distribution of a propaganda rag she’s just launched, called Correo del Orinoco.
I expect fanatics to take whatever Golinger publishes there as the fountain of ultimate truth, however one would think that in light of the enormous problems currently affecting all Venezuelans, $3.2 million could be better spent. Surely a sign of Chavez’s sheer irresponsibility, and of the independence of Golinger, in case she ever enjoyed benefit of doubt. Perhaps the IRS should send Golinger a few questions?
UPDATE: Eva Golinger says I am «tweeting lies» (Eva did not like my comments so her tweets are protected now, but here’s a link for future reference). I suggested to her to take it with Chavez’s information sources:
Original source, Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias:
More evidence below:
Original source, Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela: